
I took two completely different pictures of sunflowers, on different days, yet in the same location. I share & compare the results with you.

Clouds & Colours

Although I usually post nature photography, I thought I would try something different. Whereas I'm always taking pictures of sunsets, I don't find myself posting them. This time, I decided to share the results & the story with you.

Extravagant Edits

Although I've been trying to embrace the beauty of unedited pictures more & more, I always find it interesting to play around with extravagant edits.

Update: August 28, 2017

It's an update post, so this is an update. Obviously.


I experimented with different elements in my background to emphasize certain features in my image, sharing the results with you.

Flowers & Bricks

As a lover of contrast in images, I was pleasantly surprised when I came across these bright blooms. The dull brown bricks made sure that the flower stood out.

One Lovely Blog Award!

I was not-so-recently nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award by the truly wonderful Jamie of Don't Give A Jam.

Pink Clusters

During my hiatus, I was able to take a multitude of pictures. One image that really stood out to me featured small, pink blooms clustered together.

Update: May 20, 2017

I'm back! I'll share a quick update on what happened while I was away, and provide some exciting news.

Update: April 21, 2017

I update my readers on post scheduling - and I promise it's for the best.